BIA Manufacturers

Board of Directors

Manufacturer Nomination Form

Fall 2024 Elections

At the BIA Board of Directors meeting on October 30, 2024, in Point Clear, Alabama, the manufacturer members of the Board will elect three manufacturer companies to two-year term Board seats.


Manufacturer Two Year Term Board of Directors Seats Expiring 12/31/24:

Lincoln Andrews - The Stiles & Hart Co.

Bob Belden - The Belden Brick Company

Corey Schultz - Hebron Brick & Supply


Manufacturer One Year Term Board of Directors Seats Expiring 12/31/24:

Dave Carter - Brampton Brick

Don Sackett - Interstate Brick

Matt Binius - Ironrock Capital

Josh Higgins - Pacific Clay/Yankee Hill


Please Nominate Manufacturer Companies For Fall 2024

Instructions: Please fill out your name, email address and company name in the fields below. In the following text boxes, please enter the three suggested manufacturer members you wish to nominate for a two-year seat (expiring 12/31/2026), and the four suggested members for a one-year seat (expiring 12/31/2025). Attached to the email sent is the current list of manufacturer members eligible to be elected to the BIA Board in October that you can use to make your suggested nominations.

First Name
Last Name

Please List Three Companies For A Two-Year Term:

(The primary contact for the company you list will be nominated)

Please List Four Companies For A One-Year Term:

(The primary contact for the company you list will be nominated)



Questions or Comments?

Please contact Trish Mauer with any questions or comments.

Email Trish