Builder Notes

Issue 1- Brick Veneer Construction: Basics of Resisting Water Penetration in Residential Construction
From homeowners to builders, all recognize the desirability of clay brick. Brick can add value to any home or community as long as some simple steps are taken to design and build it correctly. Every builder seeks to mitigate callbacks, and it goes without saying that water penetration callbacks tend to be costly and difficult to repair. Whether it’s a puddle in the basement or mold on water-soaked sheathing, water is something to avoid in all construction.
Issue 2 - Basics of Brick Veneer Construction & Workmanship Checklist
By design, brick veneer walls are a drainage-type wall system. Water is assumed to penetrate the brickwork; therefore, precautions must be taken to both minimize its entry and to redirect any water that does get in back out to the exterior. Proper flashing, weeps, and an air space are all necessary to create an efficient drainage system. To verify that all components are in place, some job site inspection should occur. Correcting a drainage system after it is already completed can become very expensive. Accordingly, the Brick Industry Association has produced a Brick Veneer Construction Checklist to assist with the installation of these key items.
Issue 3- Brick Veneer Construction: Advanced Flashing- Stepped Flashing, Bay Windows, and Arches
In brick veneer construction, flashing plays an important role. It redirects water that has passed through the brick veneer back out to the exterior. Through-wall flashing is easy to install at foundations as well as at window and door heads and window sills. However, when it comes to more complex wall elements—such as at foundations, bay windows, second-story walls over lower roofs, or arched wall openings—flashing may require added care in its design and installation.
Issue 4 - Brick Veneer Construction: Advanced Flashing - Roofs and Chimneys
Because the thickness of a single brick wythe will not resist moisture penetration, flashing should be installed to redirect any water that has passed through the brick veneer construction to the exterior. Areas around roofs and chimneys, in particular, may require more care to properly install the flashing, but its importance remains equally as great.
Issue 5 - Brick Green Building Design and Sustainabilty
Green building, energy efficiency and sustainability. These words have made their way into the minds and voices of home builders and homeowners. And for good reason. Those who choose to construct a home according to green building principles are reducing the long-term impact of their home on the environment and on their wallet while increasing their quality of life. Today, genuine clay brick has proved its contributing role in green building design and sustainability.
Issue 6 - How Brick Can Help You Build Green, Efficient Homes That Your Customers Want
In 2008, the National Association of Home Builders introduced the National Green Building Standard. In November 2009, Booz Allen Hamilton’s “U.S. Green Jobs Study” forecasted that LEEDTM-related spending will generate $12.5 billion in gross domestic product between 2009 and 2013. The U.S. Department of Energy is developing a National Energy Rating Program for Homes. This rating program will offer consumers easy-to-understand and consistent information about their home’s energy performance, which impacts both the remodeling and home building industries. With this confluence of events, it’s clear that sustainability and energy efficiency are going to be very important to you and your customers if they aren’t already.
Issue 7 - Why Brick is the Best Wall Cladding Material to Control Building Envelope Moisture
The 7th issue of BIA's Builder Note series covers the importance of moisture control in today's building climate and provides the most effective ways to avoid excess moisture in exterior walls using clay brick.
Issue 8 - Brick And Energy Efficiency In Residential Construction: The Real Story
Misinformation about clay brick masonry veneer walls is often peddled by competitors. Contrary to what you may have heard, clay brick masonry walls perform well, particularly with respect to energy efficiency. This Builder Note covers the real story, supported by recent research.
Numero 1 - Construccion de Revestimientos de Ladrillos: Lo Esencial sobre la Resistencia a la Filtracion de Agua en Construccion Residencial
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Numero 2 - Lo Esencial sobre la Construccion de Revestimiento de Ladrillos y Lista de Control de Trabajo
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Numero 3 -Construccion de Revestimientos de Ladrillos: Tapajuntas Avanzado - Tapajuntas Escalonado, Ventanas Panoramicas y Arcos
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Numero 4 - Construccion de Revestimientos de Ladrillos: Tapajuntas Avanzado - Techos y Chimeneas
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